Goya Foods was looking to raise awareness of their 75 anniversary, their community envelovement and their commitment to providing nutritious, delicious and cost effective foods. Goya Foods donated 1 million pounds of food to local food pantries in partnership with the United Way. GOYA Foods, the Number 1 food company among U.S. Hispanics and the third-largest Hispanic-owned firm in the U.S. United Way, is a trail blazer in the nutrition arena. The partnership served to highlight Goya's product line of nutritious foods.

The campaign was leveraged to obtain in studio coverage from local outlets including Good Day NY and NY1 Noticias. To compliment the national press coverage, goyagives.org, a co-branded sub site was created to serve as the central hub of the campaign, encouraging people to get involved through social media. Local events provided photo opportunities and the campaign was promoted on both local United Way and Goya Food web sites.
Sponsorship Promotion
Co-branded campaign to promote healthy eating